About Me

The very existence of this website proves that I still don’t know what to be when I grow up.

For most of my professional life I was a writer and editor, first for newspapers and then for municipal government, and I continue to write on a free-lance basis.

I got my first guitar when I was 9 years old and have been playing and singing ever since — in a Beatles tribute group, a jazz combo, a disco ensemble, a series of folk-rock bands, and solo (with or without a campfire). I also sing in classical and contemporary choral groups.

I worked my way through college as a sports photographer and darkroom technician, and still look at the world as an endless series of photos that demand to be captured.

Also in college, I was an announcer for the campus radio station and narrated a series of audio documentaries; I’ve since turned that experience into a success as an audiobook narrator and voiceover artist.

My wife and I love to cook and bake, and, with more enthusiasm than actual expertise, maintain a food blog, aptly titled Cuisine Stupide.

Yes, I know. I probably need to focus a little. “Master of none,” and all that. And I haven’t even mentioned my passions for hiking, beer making, bird watching, Estonia, camping, dogs, books, bartending, theater, Basque culture, astronomy …

If you want to talk to me about these topics or any others, email me at michaelzuzel@icloud.com.